UGI Energy Services Blog

10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Energy Services

[fa icon="calendar'] May 7, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in natural gas, energy savings, electricity, employees, Renewable Natural Gas, spring, business, spring cleaning

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Spring is a great time for a refresh—both in our homes and businesses. As you declutter spaces and say goodbye to cold weather, this is a good time of year to give your energy services a thorough spring cleaning.

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Spring Your Business Forward with Natural Gas

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 19, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in natural gas, commercial business, energy provider, energy supplier, spring, business, small business, affordability, reliability, versatility

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Business owners know too well that every decision impacts profitability. With energy bills often ranking among the most significant expenses, opting for affordable natural gas can yield substantial benefits.

There are countless reasons why 5.6 million American businesses choose natural gas for their energy needs. Discover eight of those reasons below and why making the switch to natural gas can help fuel your business and bottom line.

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Spring Cleaning for Energy Efficiency

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 23, 2023 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in energy, ugi energy services, ugies, energy efficiency, spring, small business, facility, spring cleaning, organization

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After a long winter, spring is finally upon us. Spring is an opportunity for new beginnings—and even energy savings for your commercial business. If spring cleaning your energy plans isn’t on your radar, add it to your to-do list. Whether you’re an industrial or manufacturing facility owner, oversee an educational or government institution, or manage a restaurant, you need to take advantage of every tip and trick available to keep your energy bills down and protect your bottom line. Check out these tips on spring cleaning for energy efficiency.

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How to Prepare your Business for Spring

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 29, 2022 3:41:33 PM / by Kaitlin Killian posted in weather, clean air, hvac, energy savings, ugi energy services, spring, business

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Spring has sprung! Gone are the days of frigid temps, snowy nights & having to heat up your car before going anywhere! (Okay, so maybe it did snow this week, but we can have high hopes it was the last one of the season!) Spirits are high and everyone is happy to be able to be outside instead of cooped up at home or in the office. Spring is an opportunity to start clean and refresh everything for the warmer months ahead. This goes for more than just one’s self and wellbeing – it also applies to the home & to the business! We have put together some ways to prepare your office or business for spring – and we hope this allows for a fresh start for this season.

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