UGI Energy Services Blog

Dive Into Savings: Making Your Pool Energy-Efficient This Summer

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 17, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in energy savings, energy efficiency, tips, environment, gardening, Go green, pools

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Temperatures aren’t the only thing that increase during summer – if you’re not careful, your energy bills can also quickly rise. Alongside summer energy conservation tips like managing your thermostat, closing window coverings, and sealing window and door cracks, let’s examine another summer power guzzler: swimming pools.

Having a pool is a welcome retreat on hot, sunny days, but it can come at the cost of staggering energy bills. Temperature control, lighting, filtering, and plumbing all require power, and those associated costs can add up.

The good news? You can splash smart and be environmentally conscience by taking time to check out your pool’s systems and make a plan to reduce your energy use.

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Choosing UGI Energy Services Means Choosing Success

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 11, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in energy savings, energy choice, energy efficiency, energy supplier, tips, environment, Go green

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Running a business requires a lot of risk-taking – that’s an unavoidable reality. But your energy supply should be reliable, not risky. When you partner with UGI Energy Services to meet your business’s unique energy needs, you get a stable and secure foundation that empowers you to deliver results and take on new challenges.

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Go Green with These Gardening Tips for Businesses

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 13, 2024 1:23:26 PM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in energy savings, employees, business, tips, environment, gardening, Go green

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After enduring a long winter with frigid temperatures, the much-awaited gardening season is now in full bloom! Gardening, a pastime for millions, is one of the greatest pleasures of warm weather.

If your business location has a garden, you’re already contributing to the planet's greenery. But why stop there? With a few tweaks, you can transform your garden into an eco-friendly endeavor, saving on your energy bill and making your garden healthier. Read on to discover Earth-friendly gardening tips for businesses that not only help you save water and energy but also minimize your company’s environmental footprint.

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