UGI Energy Services Blog

Go Green with These Gardening Tips for Businesses

Jaclyn Tino
Posted by Jaclyn Tino on Jun 13, 2024 1:23:26 PM
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After enduring a long winter with frigid temperatures, the much-awaited gardening season is now in full bloom! Gardening, a pastime for millions, is one of the greatest pleasures of warm weather.

If your business location has a garden, you’re already contributing to the planet's greenery. But why stop there? With a few tweaks, you can transform your garden into an eco-friendly endeavor, saving on your energy bill and making your garden healthier. Read on to discover Earth-friendly gardening tips for businesses that not only help you save water and energy but also minimize your company’s environmental footprint.

Go Green
  1. Pick Drought-Tolerant Plants

When shopping for plants, choose ones that are highly heat-resistant and require minimal watering. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average garden/lawn uses about 48 gallons of water per day for watering. Nationwide, landscape irrigation is estimated to make up nearly one-third of water use, totaling almost 9 billion gallons per day!

Choosing drought-tolerant plants that do not require daily watering will automatically reduce your water usage, helping you save on your water bill and conserve water. Plus, many of these are visually appealing, so they’ll make a great spectacle for your customers and employees while improving your business’s curb appeal! Here are some of the best options:

- Sage
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Aloe
- Agave
- California Lilac
- Poppy
- Lantana
- Coneflower
- Catmint
  1. Make a Compost Bin

Going green sometimes means going beyond the garden! Implementing a composting program for vegetable waste and other organic materials in the workplace is not just a sustainable practice; it's a rewarding one. Creating a compost bin can serve as an excellent way to manage waste, reduce landfill contributions, and produce nutrient-rich fertilizer that can benefit office plants or community gardens.

By composting organic waste such as coffee grounds, tea bags, food scraps, and plant trimmings, your business can significantly reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills or incinerators. This practice helps decrease the emission of powerful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to a healthier environment.

Composting can also enhance workplace sustainability initiatives and foster a sense of community among employees. It can also serve as an educational tool, raising awareness about waste reduction and environmental stewardship.

The EPA offers a comprehensive guide on composting, which includes information on suitable materials, setting up and maintaining a compost bin, and harvesting finished compost. This resource can be invaluable for creating an effective and efficient composting program in the workplace.

  1. Harvest Rainwater

Looking for an easy way to reduce your business's water bill? Consider adding a rain barrel if your state allows it. Incorporating rain barrels can enhance your business’s sustainability initiatives, contribute to cost savings, and demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility.

It’s an affordable and effortless method of collecting mineral- and chlorine-free water for various purposes, such as watering office plants, maintaining landscaping, washing company vehicles, and cleaning exterior windows. By utilizing rainwater, your business can reduce water expenses and minimize storm water runoff, ultimately aiding in the prevention of erosion and flooding around your property.

Implementing rain barrels is simple: attach a barrel to the end of your downspout and wait for the rain to start! To ensure the collected water is clean, place a screen on top of the barrel to keep out insects and debris. Make sure to use this water regularly to maximize benefits and maintain the system's efficiency.

  1. Assess Your Outdoor Equipment

If your business relies on lawnmowers, leaf blowers, or weed whackers, consider upgrading to the latest energy-efficient options. There are an array of products that produce zero emissions. Investing in these tools can help reduce your business's carbon footprint and align with your sustainability goals.

If your property has a small footprint a self-propelled reel mower is worth considering. And if electric lawn equipment versions meet your needs, consider purchasing tools from the same manufacturer, as you can often use one battery interchangeably for all of them, enhancing convenience and cost savings.

Keep in mind battery-powered equipment has limited battery life, replacement batteries are expensive, and electric mowers have less torque (power) than gas-powered versions. So, consider the size of your property and maintenance frequency when deciding what’s best for your property needs.

  1. Use Smart Landscaping

Designing your business's outdoor spaces with energy efficiency in mind can significantly reduce energy consumption. By incorporating proper landscape designs and green-scaping techniques, you can optimize the use of sunlight, shade, and wind patterns to benefit your facilities. For example, strategically placing trees, shrubs, or trellises can provide natural shade and windbreaks, reducing the need for additional cooling or wind protection measures.

This thoughtful design approach not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor areas but also contributes to a more energy-efficient and sustainable environment.

If you’re looking for additional ways to save energy and reduce your company’s environmental footprint, we can help. Check out our Business Owners Energy Guides or contact the experts at UGI Energy Services today!

Tags: energy savings, employees, business, tips, environment, gardening, Go green

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