UGI Energy Services Blog

Celebrating National Small Business Week: Energy Saving Tips for America’s Economic Backbone

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 29, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in natural gas, energy savings, electricity, small business week, small business, tips

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Small businesses – from hospitality and retail to manufacturers and logistics companies and numerous other industries – are the backbone of our country. They’re the economic engines sustaining communities across the country, supporting jobs as entrepreneurs pursue their passions and fulfill their dreams.

This National Small Business Week, we salute America’s small businesses, their employees, and their contributions to driving America’s success.

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National Small Business Week 2022

[fa icon="calendar'] May 2, 2022 10:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in ugi energy services, ugies, small business week, customers, small business

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At UGIES, we serve a variety of businesses of all different types and sizes and we value our small business customers. During the first week of May (May 1st – 7th), we honor Small Business Week. During this week, entrepreneurs and small business owners are recognized and celebrated for their accomplishments. According to the Small Business Association, a small business is a firm having fewer than 500 employees. A recent SBA statistic from 2021 shows that there are approximately 32 million small businesses in the US which account for 99.9 percent of all US businesses. With this information, it is clear that small businesses make up a very large part of the businesses we frequent and serve.

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