UGI Energy Services recently had another successful year participating in the Angel Tree Program. Our company had 100 tags split amongst Veterans, Seniors & children in our community. Each tag represents a person, and includes their Christmas wish list. By coming together for this cause, we were able to donate over 500 gifts to these 100 people. This year marked the 13th year of UGIES participating in the Angel Tree Program. We are so grateful for the generosity and kindness of employees for supporting others during this holiday season. Each year this program is organized by Heather Ayala, who goes above and beyond to assure it is a success.
'Tis the Reason for the Season
Dec 23, 2022 12:08:15 PM / by Kaitlin Killian posted in salvation army, ugi energy services, charity, giving back, angel tree, ugies, food bank, community, dedication, values, holiday giving
Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity – Core Values for UGI Corporation
Apr 20, 2021 8:10:00 AM / by Michelle Zimmer posted in community, belonging, equality, values, inclusion, diversity, ERG
Recently, UGI Corporation launched an imperative that focuses on areas of diversity and inclusion within our company and the communities we continue to serve. In alignment with the company’s core values, we have launched several initiatives to support the diverse segments of our workforce.
UGI’s BIDE Imperative - Belonging, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity - was officially launched this past year, with these four areas serving as the pillars on which the company will focus. BIDE provides the blueprint for achieving greater diversity of thought, experience, culture, gender, race, age, veteran status, sexual orientation and other areas throughout our organization.