UGI Energy Services Blog

Choosing UGI Energy Services Means Choosing Success

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 11, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in energy savings, energy choice, energy efficiency, energy supplier, tips, environment, Go green

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Running a business requires a lot of risk-taking – that’s an unavoidable reality. But your energy supply should be reliable, not risky. When you partner with UGI Energy Services to meet your business’s unique energy needs, you get a stable and secure foundation that empowers you to deliver results and take on new challenges.

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UGI Energy Services Welcomes PA and NJ Public Utility Commissioners for an Operations Tour

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 26, 2024 8:03:47 AM / by Jaclyn Nawa posted in natural gas, energy provider, LNG, energy supplier, Pennsylvania, facility, operations, New Jersey, Public Utility Commissioners, PUC

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Recently, UGI Energy Services (UGIES) partnered with Chesapeake Energy to host members of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Public Utility Commissions for a tour of an active drilling rig, UGI Energy Services’ Manning Compressor Station, and its Manning liquified natural gas (LNG) facility featuring liquefaction and storage.

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Spring Your Business Forward with Natural Gas

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 19, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in natural gas, commercial business, energy provider, energy supplier, spring, business, small business, affordability, reliability, versatility

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Business owners know too well that every decision impacts profitability. With energy bills often ranking among the most significant expenses, opting for affordable natural gas can yield substantial benefits.

There are countless reasons why 5.6 million American businesses choose natural gas for their energy needs. Discover eight of those reasons below and why making the switch to natural gas can help fuel your business and bottom line.

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7 Factors Affecting the Natural Gas Market Volatility

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 6, 2022 11:12:10 AM / by Aaron Lovenworth posted in natural gas, energy market, lock gas prices, natural gas supply, winter, prepare for winter, mitigate risk, lock in energy rate, commercial energy, LNG, infrastructure, energy supplier

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After many years of stability and relatively low prices, the natural gas market has taken a turn towards volatility and skyrocketing rates. Consumers should be aware of these recent changes and take action to mitigate the risks associated with an unsteady, high-priced market.

National Gas Intelligence’s recent episode of their Hub and Flow podcast featured 7 contributors to the recent volatility in the natural gas market. Domestic politics, international unrest and weather conditions all play a factor in this crazy rollercoaster of a market. Here I’ll summarize the overall contributors to this volatility as laid out by National Gas Intelligence.

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UGIES Now Serving New Hampshire

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 2, 2022 10:34:53 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in natural gas, electricity, ugi energy services, ugies, New Hampshire, energy supplier, New England

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Have you heard? There is a new energy supplier in town. We are pleased to announce that we are now serving the state of New Hampshire!

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