UGI Energy Services Blog

Leadership Berks Graduates - UGIES Employees Kristina Kullman & Kyle Ziegler

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 25, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Nawa posted in community, employees, Berks county, leadership, leadership berks, opportunity

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Recently, UGIES employees, Kyle Ziegler, Sr. Manager, RNG and Kristina Kullman, Team Lead - Pipeline Logistics, graduated from Leadership Berks.  Leadership Berks is a program provided through the United Way of Berks County that is established to train and develop people to serve in nonprofit leadership roles within the county. Over the last nine months, Kyle and Kristina have received training from community leaders and instructors, teaching them professional and community leadership skills. This year, they were among 32 professionals that graduated from the program.

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