UGI Energy Services Blog

Jaclyn Nawa

Communications & Community Relations Program Administrator at UGI Energy Services

Recent Posts

Leadership Berks Graduates - UGIES Employees Kristina Kullman & Kyle Ziegler

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 25, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Nawa posted in community, employees, Berks county, leadership, leadership berks, opportunity

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Recently, UGIES employees, Kyle Ziegler, Sr. Manager, RNG and Kristina Kullman, Team Lead - Pipeline Logistics, graduated from Leadership Berks.  Leadership Berks is a program provided through the United Way of Berks County that is established to train and develop people to serve in nonprofit leadership roles within the county. Over the last nine months, Kyle and Kristina have received training from community leaders and instructors, teaching them professional and community leadership skills. This year, they were among 32 professionals that graduated from the program.

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UGI Energy Services Welcomes PA and NJ Public Utility Commissioners for an Operations Tour

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 26, 2024 8:03:47 AM / by Jaclyn Nawa posted in natural gas, energy provider, LNG, energy supplier, Pennsylvania, facility, operations, New Jersey, Public Utility Commissioners, PUC

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Recently, UGI Energy Services (UGIES) partnered with Chesapeake Energy to host members of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Public Utility Commissions for a tour of an active drilling rig, UGI Energy Services’ Manning Compressor Station, and its Manning liquified natural gas (LNG) facility featuring liquefaction and storage.

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United Way Campaign – Year-End Wrap

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 30, 2022 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Nawa posted in ugi energy services, giving back, ugies, community, dedication, united way, volunteer, campaign, service

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As 2022 comes to a close, we would like to take some time and reflect on the United Way activities UGI Energy Services employees had participated in over the last year. UGIES President, Joe Hartz and his wife Dana were this year’s United Way of Berks County Co-Chairs, so it was a monumental year for our team in the community.

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Renewable Natural Gas: Q&A with Dave Lindenmuth

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 16, 2021 11:15:00 AM / by Jaclyn Nawa posted in natural gas, energy market, GHI Energy, renewable, RNG

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UGI Energy Services continues to invest in energy sources that provide customers with energy solutions that are innovative, efficient and beneficial to the environment. Such sources include renewable natural gas (RNG). The UGI Energy Services communications team recently discussed RNG with Director of Business Development Dave Lindenmuth to help customers better understand the fuel, its benefits and its outlook for production and consumption growth.

Q: What is renewable natural gas, and how is it produced, stored and transported?

Dave: Renewable natural gas (RNG) is biogas produced from the breakdown of organic materials including trash, food waste, animal manure, and wastewater sludge.

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