UGI Energy Services Blog

Celebrating National Small Business Week: Energy Saving Tips for America’s Economic Backbone

Jaclyn Tino
Posted by Jaclyn Tino on Apr 29, 2024 7:00:00 AM
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Small businesses – from hospitality and retail to manufacturers and logistics companies and numerous other industries – are the backbone of our country. They’re the economic engines sustaining communities across the country, supporting jobs as entrepreneurs pursue their passions and fulfill their dreams.

This National Small Business Week, we salute America’s small businesses, their employees, and their contributions to driving America’s success.

Small Business Week

What is National Small Business Week?

National Small Business Week traces its roots to 1963 when President Kennedy signed the first Presidential Proclamation to highlight the vital role played by America's entrepreneurs and small business owners.

This year, National Small Business Week falls from April 28 to May 4, 2024 – a time when we can all acknowledge small business owners' tireless efforts, creativity, commitment, and significant economic contributions!

Did You Know? Fun Facts About Small Businesses

  • A business is considered small if it has 500 or fewer employees and an annual revenue of up to $41.5 million.
  • According to the SBA, there are more than 33.1 million small businesses in the U.S.!
  • 9% of American businesses are small businesses.
  • Small businesses employ over 67 million Americans.
  • An estimated 543,000 new businesses are started each month.
  • 8 out of 10 small businesses have no employees – they are a one-person operation!
  • Starting an official business in the U.S. can take as little as five days.
  • The average small business owner is 50 years old.
  • Approximately 5.6 million businesses (large and small) use natural gas.

Energy Tips for Small Businesses

As a leading energy supplier for thousands of businesses across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S., this National Small Business Week we’re sharing a few energy-efficiency tips to help small businesses save both money and energy.

  • Maximize natural light: Small businesses often have more windows than larger industrial facilities, so take advantage of this! Position workspaces near windows if possible, and let the sunlight help cut down on lighting costs and your energy bill.
  • Unplug equipment: Before leaving for the day, unplug any equipment or appliances not in use. This helps reduce phantom loads, which refers to the electricity an electronic device consumes when turned off but still plugged in.
  • Monitor the temperature: The SBA reports that heating and cooling systems account for approximately 40% of all energy small businesses consume. So, adjusting your thermostat by a few degrees here and there can make a huge difference in your energy bills. Consider installing smart thermostats to control the temperature from anywhere and adjust accordingly during non-business hours. And remember to properly insulate your workspace to prevent heat loss in the winter and keep cool air inside during the summer.
  • Use fans: Fans not only cool off employees and patrons during warm months, reducing AC use, but also improve AC efficiency. Using fans helps circulate cool air faster, reducing your AC’s workload.
  • Encourage employees: Encourage your team to hop on the energy-saving train by educating employees about how their habits affect energy consumption, how to reduce it, and outline steps for powering down equipment, using energy-saving settings, etc.
  • Leverage natural gas: Switching to natural gas, or replacing equipment with natural gas-fueled equipment, can help save energy costs as natural gas is projected to be 30 to 50 percent less than the price of other fuels through 2050.
  • Consider an Energy Audit: An energy auditor can assess your energy usage and identify areas for improvement. They can provide recommendations tailored to specific needs and help prioritize energy-saving initiatives.

To learn more about how UGI Energy Services can help your small business manage your energy costs, contact us today. We wish you a happy, productive, and successful National Small Business Week!

Tags: natural gas, energy savings, electricity, small business week, small business, tips

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We are a supplier, marketer, and midstream services provider – one backed by 135 years of natural gas experience, plus our own expanding energy infrastructure. Along with buying and selling energy commodities at the wholesale level, UGIES owns and operates key electric generation and midstream natural gas assets throughout Pennsylvania.

UGI Energy Services offers products and services for small to large companies across the Mid-Atlantic and New England states.


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