UGI Energy Services Blog

Dive Into Savings: Making Your Pool Energy-Efficient This Summer

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 17, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in energy savings, energy efficiency, tips, environment, gardening, Go green, pools

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Temperatures aren’t the only thing that increase during summer – if you’re not careful, your energy bills can also quickly rise. Alongside summer energy conservation tips like managing your thermostat, closing window coverings, and sealing window and door cracks, let’s examine another summer power guzzler: swimming pools.

Having a pool is a welcome retreat on hot, sunny days, but it can come at the cost of staggering energy bills. Temperature control, lighting, filtering, and plumbing all require power, and those associated costs can add up.

The good news? You can splash smart and be environmentally conscience by taking time to check out your pool’s systems and make a plan to reduce your energy use.

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