UGI Energy Services Blog

Preparing Your Home or Business for the Next Big Snowstorm

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 18, 2023 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in winter, prepare for winter, ugi energy services, ugies, business, safety, customers, plan, prepare, checklist, home, snowstorm

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There’s no more telling sign of winter then the first big snowstorm. When the icy air makes its way to our region and the weather reports are buzzing, it’s important to take some steps to prepare your home and/or business ahead of time.

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How to Prepare Your Business for Outages

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 6, 2023 11:28:38 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in electricity, power, ugi energy services, ugies, business, safety, customers, outage, plan, prepare, checklist

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It’s officially winter! If you’re from the northeast U.S., snowstorms are likely headed your way. Though they can be magical and exciting, storms and other bad weather can lead to power and other outages. Outages can quickly become dangerous, sometimes lasting days or longer.

Outages can affect entire communities. They can disrupt communication, water availability, and transportation; close businesses like grocery stores, gas stations, banks, and more; cause food and water contamination; and prevent the use of medical devices or medicine refrigeration.

As a business owner, being prepared and knowing what to do before, during, and after a power outage can help keep your staff and customers safe.

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Safety First for your Business

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 5, 2022 10:28:51 AM / by Kaitlin Killian posted in employees, business, work, safety, health

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Did you know that last month was National Safety Month? In 1996, the National Safety Council (NSC) established June as National Safety Month in the United States. The goal of this Summer Safety Month is to increase public awareness of the leading safety and health risks that are increased in the summer months to decrease the number of injuries and deaths at homes and workplaces. The areas of safety are split into 4 parts: musculoskeletal disorders, workplace impairment, injury prevention and slips, trips and falls. In the summer months, we typically see more dehydration and other heat-related illnesses due to the warm temperatures, car accidents and fatalities due to higher traffic volumes from vacationing, injuries from outdoor activities such as the swimming pool or bicycling, and more. By putting emphasis on these areas of safety in the workplace, an employer as well as the employee can protect themselves from injury or harm. Knowing that the following 4 areas are prominent when it comes to the workplace, one can focus on their prevention through education and training.

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 28, 2022 10:28:05 AM / by Kaitlin Killian posted in ugi energy services, ugies, employees, work, World Day, safety, health

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Today, April 28th, is World Day for Safety and Health at Work! Maintaining a safe and secure workplace is an important part of UGI Energy Service’s commitment to safety and wellbeing for our employees. Together as a team, we can prevent work place accidents from happening to assure injuries do not take place. Awareness and continuous training are ways that we make sure our employees know what safety measures should be taken at all times. Each one of us is responsible to not only protect ourselves, but ensure we do not endanger others as well. A safe workplace is a happy workplace, as it provides employees the environment to effectively do their jobs.

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