UGI Energy Services Blog

A Season of Service: UGI Energy Services' United Way Commitment

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 30, 2024 4:24:02 PM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in charity, community, employees, united way, volunteer, September, Day of Caring, Charity Golf Outing, kick off

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A deep commitment to community service is a cornerstone of UGI Energy Services' organizational culture. The United Way holds a special place in our hearts and is at the forefront of our community impact initiatives.

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Community Safety First: Essential Tips for Emergency Preparedness

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 30, 2024 9:11:50 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in community, safety, customers, tips, emergency preparedness month, emergency, September

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UGI Energy Services is committed to the safety and well-being of our customers and communities. That’s why we’re pleased to join many other organizations, public officials, and energy sector peers in marking National Emergency Preparedness Month this September and reinforcing safety tips.

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