UGI Energy Services Blog

The Transport Project & Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas: RNG Breaking Motor Fuel Usage Records

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 24, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in News, Renewable Natural Gas, project, agriculture, sustainability, transportation fuel, The Transport Project, Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas

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April 24, 2024

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Ag-Grid Energy’s 5th Anaerobic Digester Project Begins Exporting Electricity

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 18, 2024 10:58:20 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in electricity, News, Renewable Natural Gas, project, agriculture, sustainability

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Partnership with Farmer Improves Dairy’s Economic and Environmental Sustainability

COHOCTON, NY — Ag-Grid Energy LLC is proud to announce the December 2023 start-up of its anaerobic digester at Lent Hill Dairy Farm in Cohocton, NY. A partnership between Ag-Grid and Lent Hill, the digester is Ag-Grid Energy’s fifth operating waste-to-energy facility and its first in New York State.


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UGI Energy Services and Synthica Energy Break Ground for New RNG Facility

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 27, 2023 2:44:23 PM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in News, Renewable Natural Gas, agriculture

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July 27, 2023 – St. Bernard, OH – Hamilton RNG Holdings, LLC (“Hamilton RNG”) announced today that they have broken ground at the site of their new food waste digester project, which will produce renewable natural gas (RNG). Hamilton RNG is a joint venture owned by a subsidiary of UGI Energy Services, LLC (“UGIES”), a subsidiary of UGI Corporation (NYSE: UGI), and Synthica Energy, LLC (“Synthica”).

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Ag-Grid Energy Commissions New Renewable Electricity Facility in Partnership with UGI Energy Services

[fa icon="calendar'] May 12, 2023 9:27:54 AM / by Angela DeLong posted in News, agriculture, Renewable Energy Credits

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Contact: Pamela Witmer
(717) 579-8735 |

Ag-Grid Energy Commissions New Renewable Electricity Facility in Partnership with UGI Energy Services

Hytone Ag-Grid Anaerobic Digester Part of UGI’s Commitment to

Renewable Energy Solutions

May 8, 2023 – Coventry, CT – UGI Corporation (NYSE: UGI) today announced that its subsidiary, UGI Energy Services, LLC and Ag-Grid Energy LLC (“Ag-Grid”), commissioned a new renewable electricity facility at Hytone Farm in Coventry, CT. The new facility was celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony today that was attended by Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Commissioner, Katie Dykes and Congressman Joe Courtney.

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UGI Invests in Renewable Energy Producer Ag-Grid Energy

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 21, 2022 12:18:20 PM / by Angela DeLong posted in News, renewable, RNG, Renewable Natural Gas, agriculture, renewable fuels, food waste, dairy waste, ag-grid, power generation

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WYOMISSING, PA, April 21 – UGI Corporation (NYSE: UGI) announced today that its subsidiary, UGI Energy Services, LLC, acquired a 33% equity interest in Ag-Grid Energy LLC (“Ag-Grid”), a renewable energy producer with projects in the United States. Ag-Grid currently develops and operates small scale renewable power projects that support local energy demands while lowering emissions.

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UGI Partners with California Bioenergy and Sevana Bioenergy to Develop RNG Dairy Digester Projects in South Dakota through MBL Bioenergy

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 16, 2021 10:12:51 AM / by Angela DeLong posted in News, renewable, RNG, Renewable Natural Gas, green energy, agriculture

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September 16, 2021

DALLAS, TX, September 16 – MBL Bioenergy, LLC (“MBL Bioenergy”) announced today that it has entered into definitive agreements to develop several clusters of dairy farm digester projects to produce renewable natural gas (“RNG”) from multiple farms in South Dakota. MBL Bioenergy is a joint venture funded by UGI Energy Services, LLC (“UGIES”) as well as subsidiaries of California Bioenergy LLC (“CalBio”) and Sevana Bioenergy, LLC (“Sevana Bioenergy”). UGIES is a subsidiary of UGI Corporation (NYSE: UGI).
MBL Bioenergy combines the experience and expertise of UGIES and two premier dairy digester project development companies, California Bioenergy and Sevana Bioenergy.

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