UGI Energy Services Blog

Six Ways to Reduce Water Consumption in Your Business

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 22, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in natural gas, business, water, water consumption, WorldWaterWeek

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While 71% of the world is covered in water, only around 3% is fresh water. Of that 3%, around 2.5% is unusable (trapped in glaciers, polar ice caps, the atmosphere, and soil). So, of all the water on earth, only about 0.5% can be used for drinking and human consumption. So, reducing water consumption wherever possible is a necessity!

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Prioritizing Water Safety: Tips for Boating, Swimming, and Water Sports

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 5, 2024 7:00:00 AM / by Jaclyn Tino posted in natural gas, safety, summer, tips, outdoors, water safety, boating, water, swimming, water sports

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August is synonymous with vacations to the beach, trips to the lake, and summer days at the pool. As temperatures and humidity peak in much of the country, there's no better escape than water-based activities to beat the heat.

Whether boating, swimming, or engaging in other water sports, ensuring safety is paramount for an enjoyable experience. Below are a few reminders to keep you and your loved ones safe while making the most of the water this August.

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