October is Energy Awareness Month. At UGI Energy Services, we want to help you improve energy efficiency at your company. Reducing energy consumption saves money and helps lower your environmental impact. Energy Efficiency Day (October 6) promotes the message: “Save Money. Cut Pollution. Create Jobs.” This annual event spreads awareness about energy usage and shared tips, tools, and stories to promote the benefits of energy efficiency. Follow this checklist to ensure your company improves energy efficiency.
In Your Building:
- Lower thermostat settings
- Match heating, ventilation, and air conditioning schedules to occupancy schedules
- Lower setback temperatures
- Optimize morning warmup and night setback controls
- Reduce or eliminate sources of infiltration
- Install a desiccant dehumidification system
- Minimize the use of outside air for process ventilation
- Educate employees on building systems and energy efficiency measures
- Check and adjust combustion efficiency of gas-fired equipment
- Reduce the use of gas-fired refrigeration equipment
- Check for ways to control solar gain to reduce the cooling load on your building
- Install revolving doors
- Install energy-efficient lighting and occupancy sensors
- Install LED exit signs
In Your Central Heating Plant:
- Conduct boiler efficiency tests
- Optimize combustion efficiency
- Perform boiler maintenance and set a maintenance schedule
- Check boiler water chemistry
- Minimize boiler blowdown
- Optimize steam plant heat balance
- Minimize deaerator steam venting
- Optimize boiler loading
- Install meters on boiler system make-up lines and blowdown lines to detect leaks
In Your Thermal Distribution Equipment:
- Inspect and replace steam coils and traps
- Inspect and repair condensate return equipment
- Locate and repair steam leaks
- Repair or add insulation
- Isolate non-essential distribution piping
- Reduce distribution pressure