UGI Energy Services Blog

Fall Energy Efficiency: Preparing Your Business for Cooler Weather

Jaclyn Tino
Posted by Jaclyn Tino on Sep 10, 2024 7:00:00 AM
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Fall is around the corner! Preparing your business for cooler weather and (sadly) less daylight by focusing on energy efficiency can help lower energy usage, costs, while maintaining a comfortable environment for employees and customers.

Let’s welcome—and get ready for—the new season by diving into some fall business energy tips.

ugies 2024 fall energy efficiency

Tune-Up Your HVAC

As fall begins, so too does the beginning of heating season.

Since your heating system likely hasn’t been used likely several months, it’s a good idea to get it serviced.

Regularly servicing your HVAC system:

  • Prevents unexpected breakdowns and ensures any minor issues don’t become big ones.
  • Improves efficiency, reducing your energy costs.
  • Prolongs the lifetime of your system.
  • Improves indoor air quality.
  • Keeps you, your customers, and your staff comfortable.

Check for Leaks

It’s going to get cool and breezy, and sealing leaks is easy!

Doors and windows can let out more heat than you think, especially in older buildings. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, energy savings from reducing drafts can range from 5% to 30% per year.

check for drafts

Check for drafts around windows, doors, and ducts. Sealing leaks, installing weatherstripping, and adding insulation can prevent heat loss and reduce heating needs. Door sweeps and draft stoppers help seal the space between the bottom of doors and door frames and protect you from the cold.

Make Lighting Adjustments

Depending on the size of the building, operating hours, and the type of business, lighting alone can account for 20% to 50% of the average business owner's energy expenditure.

natural light

As the days get shorter, make the most of the natural light by keeping curtains or shades open and windows clean and unobstructed. This reduces the need for artificial lighting during daylight hours and can help with heating costs since natural light can help heat the area, too.

If your business uses old incandescent or CFL lighting, the start of a new (and darker) season is the perfect time to upgrade. Compared to incandescent bulbs, LEDs use around 90% less energy, last 33 times as long, and cost 75% less in their lifetime!

Reduce Water Heating Costs

As the temperature drops, heat loss becomes a more significant issue.

You can reduce heat loss and save on energy costs by insulating your water heater and pipes. This can increase the water temperature by 2°F to 4°F compared to uninsulated pipes, allowing you to lower your water temperature setting and, in turn, save energy. Additionally, insulating your pipes means you won't have to wait as long for hot water when you turn on a faucet, which helps to conserve water.

Monitor the Temperature

One advantage of autumn in the Northeastern U.S. is its mild temperatures. As it cools down from the summer months, you may not need to use your HVAC at all! Take advantage of this for as long as possible since heating and cooling account for a significant portion of any business’s energy bill. If you must turn on the heat in the later fall months, be sure to monitor the temperature.

Did you know you can save as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling by turning your thermostat back 7-10°F from its normal setting for eight hours a day? In cooler months, the U.S. Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 68°F during operational hours and lowering it during off hours.

Thanks to new technology like programmable thermostats, you can adjust the temperature of your business from anywhere with an app on your phone. You can even set the temperature to automatically change at a certain time, so you don’t have to remember.

Encourage Employees to Get Involved

Share your energy-saving goals with your team and educate them on ways to save energy throughout your business. For example, shutting off lights in rooms not in use, powering down equipment/computers before leaving for the day, not adjusting the thermostat, etc. Share which equipment, appliances, and habits consume the most energy so your team knows how to reduce consumption.

Work with Energy Experts

At UGI Energy Services, we’ve been helping customers across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S. develop smarter energy strategies since 1995. We support our customers with a personalized service that’s rare in the energy industry.

Today, around 12,000 commercial and industrial customers look to UGIES for reliable, cost-effective energy products and solutions. Whether you run a small mom-and-pop shop or corporate account across multi-state facilities, we can help you meet your energy requirements more effectively.

Ready to get started? Contact the experts at UGI Energy Services today!

Tags: natural gas, energy efficiency, business, customers, tips, fall, cool weather

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