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Kaitlin Killian

Kaitlin Killian
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UGI Energy Services gives $200,000 in Scholarships to Pennsylvania Schools

Mar 14, 2023 7:11:27 PM / by Kaitlin Killian posted in charity, News, donations, ostc, Pennsylvania, schools


(March 14, 2023) – UGI Energy Services LLC, the midstream and energy marketing subsidiary of UGI Corporation, today announced their contribution of $200,000 to support over 50 private and parochial schools and scholarship organizations in Pennsylvania. 


The contributions were provided to the schools and scholarship organizations through Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development’s Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, which is part of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program. UGI Energy Services has provided over $2 million in scholarships through the OSTC program since 2014.  These contributions provide tuition assistance funding for students living in low-achieving school districts to attend local, private or parochial schools. 

Check presentations began today with visits at Berks County Community Foundation, Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, Meadowbrook Christian School Scholarship Organization, and Lancaster Country Day School.

“Supporting educational programs and investing in our future leaders is important for UGI Energy Services,” said Joe Hartz, president of UGI Energy Services.  “From our employees dedicating time to volunteering and tutoring students in reading to providing financial contributions through the OSTC program, we are pleased to make a difference in the communities where we live and work.” 

The Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit program is available to Pennsylvania businesses paying certain specific state taxes and deemed eligible for participation by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.  This was UGI Energy Service’s eighth year of participation in the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit program.


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